Thursday, November 7, 2019

October assessment learner response'

www; this is a solid first assessment with the potential to go a lot higher  the future .good knowledge of terminology shown throughout 

EBI: to are not writing in enough depth and detail in the high-mark questions (Q8+Q9). you need to use paragraphs and offer a range of points 

Q4: The specific demographic (type) of individual or group (1)
that the media product is aimed at (1).

Q6: Excellent knowledge and understanding of the
theoretical framework, demonstrated by
consistently effective explanation of
conventions of the film poster.
● Consistently appropriate and effective

Q8: Excellent knowledge and understanding of the
theoretical framework, demonstrated by
consistently effective explanation of
conventions of the film poster.
● Consistently appropriate and effective

Q9: Excellent knowledge and understanding of the
theoretical framework, demonstrated by
consistently effective explanation of why
advertisers use children.
● Consistently appropriate and effective
reference to the Water Aid advert.
● Consistently appropriate and effective use of
media terminology throughout.

 3-5 ● Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of
the theoretical framework, demonstrated by
generally effective explanation of why
advertisers use children.
● Some appropriate and effective reference to
the Water Aid advert.
● Mostly appropriate and effective use of media
terminology throughout.

 1-2 ● Basic knowledge and understanding of the
theoretical framework, demonstrated by
occasional appropriate explanation of why
advertisers use children.
● Limited appropriate reference to the Water Aid
● Little, if any, use of media terminology

 Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? no didn't get any of my terminology wrongs

 Identify one of your stronger questions?
I think my strongest question was Q5 as I had revised on this before the test 

Identify one of your weaker questions?
I think my weakest question was Q9 as I think I did have enough time so next time I will try to time manage my self

 Re-draft your answer to Q9 and type it out in full?

charities generally use controversial or emotive images to endorse their charity. Children are associated with innocence and vulnerability which is why images of them will appeal to people’s generosity. Children make people want to protect them so this appeals to the target audience who may have children themselves. The image is quickly recognisable to the target audience because it is associated with a particular place in the world and an issue (lack of clean, drinking water.) A stereotypical image of a child in need is used in the hope that the target audience will recognise this stereotype and the image will compel them to give money and donate to the cause.


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