Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reception theory

1) What is the preferred reading

This is when audiences respond to the product the way media producers want/expect them to.

google meaning:
preferred reading is what the producer what the consumer to think when they are watching the film. This builds on the idea that producers can position the audience in a certain way and influence their reading so they accept the intended message by using recognized codes and conventions (such as stereotypes).

2) What is the oppositional reading of a                              media text?

This is when a member of the audience partly agrees with part of the product .e.g Film, documentary, TV programme
google meaning:
The Opposition reading goes against the meaning the producers are trying to create.
The audience rejects the intended message and constructs an opposite reading instead. 
This can be due to their own social, political or moral beliefs and values. 

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?
the preferred reading about the Harry Brown trailer is the young people are violent and are showing bad 

4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an Opposition reading of the trailer?

Young people might reject this interpretation of aggressive because all of the youth society are not violent and they do help the community.

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and Opposition readings.

the preferred reading:

The preferred reading McDonald's would like you to make is that Big Macs are delicious and that you'd like to eat one right now because they have fresh lettuce, gherkins, sauce, cheese, two beef patties etc. 

The Opposition reading:

The Opposition reading is that Big Macs are unhealthy, they will make you fat, lead to health issues in later life and never look like the advert. 

Image result for big mac real vs advertised

The negotiated reading

The negotiated reading allows us to know that Big Macs may be unhealthy, that they might not always be as attractive as the image BUT that if we eat them in moderation then we won't get fat and we can enjoy them.

6) Now find your own advertisement and write a 150+ word analysis using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.

      my advert is going to be the south 
                    African stack.

Image result for south african stack mcdonalds

the prefered reading:

the prefered reading is appetising, represents a different  culture of food, and will entice the viewer to want to try it because it limited edition and it might never come back

negotiated reading:

the viewer would question the authenticity of the product, or feel they wouldn't want to travel to the location or pay the required amount which is £4:09

oppositional reading:

content is unhealthy and the authenticity of the meal will be false, therefore the idea of the product becomes unappealing 

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